Rum and Van Coke goes well together...but not if COVID is around.
It is with great frustration that we must announce that the planned Rum and Van Coke show, originally planned for 10 July, will be postponed to 4 September. The new COVID regulations, limiting the amount of people to the show down to 100, means we have no choice, but to postpone.
Limited offers to those with tickets as consolation
Unfortunately, those who have already purchased tickets will now need to wait till 4 September for this, first of many, music shows at the Whistler Rum Distillery. Nobody likes to wait so we as Whistler Rum will be offering those who supported this event with some small gifts.
Visit the distillery with your ticket and receive a Free State Dust Storm cocktail on the house.
Free State Dust Storm - Whistler South African Spiced Rum + Ginger Beer + Bitters + Fresh Lime Wedges
Not all doom and gloom.
It's always good to also consider the bright side. With our original plans for 10 July, we where already limited to 250 tickets. We are hopeful that we will be allowed to host 500 people during the new 4 September date. This means more tickets for those who would have missed out on the original date.
George Town band at a previous live show at Whistle Rum Distillery
Warmer weather makes for a longer show
Because of the likely freezing weather in July, we where originally planning to have Francois and Die Gevaar perform at around 7pm. In September, it is likely that we will be able to have a later show thanks to warmer weather. I think everyone can agree that a later show in September would be more enjoyable. Just think... we will be starting that day around mid day with a number of local performers. This will continue all day until well after sunset. And then, under a Free State starry sky, Francois will be singing "Komma" or one of his other hits. EPIC!
Imagine this sunset in preparation for the Francois van Coke show at the Whistler Rum Distillery
Refunds for people who can't make the new date
We realise that some people may already have plans for 4 September. Those unlucky souls will naturally want to have their tickets refunded.
Please contact Marike on 064 769 6134 to arrange for a refund.
Additional Tickets
Additional tickets will go on sale when clarity on covid regulations closer to the date have been clarified. Watch this space for more information.