Whistler Rum is currently joining forces with two other rum brands. To this end, we've moved our distillery to KZN, and unfortunately cannot produce or sell our rum at the moment. We are excited to get back into the rum production in 2025!

Distillery Interior Gallery

Pictures from inside South Africa's largers rum distillery. The only African Style Rum producer in South Africa.

Some pictures inside the Whistler African Style Rum distillery:

Whistler South African Style Rum Distillery Interior

Image: A tasting with Trevor, one of the founders of Whistler African Style Rum.

Whistler South African Style Rum Distillery Interior

Image: The Whistler African Style rum distillery about to go into production. 

Image: A lucky visitor smelling rum directly out of a barrel.

Image: Barrels basking in Northern Free State sunlight. 

Image: Kantoor, the distillery assistant, rolling in a new barrel. 

Whistler South African Style Rum Distillery Interior

Image: Kantoor, continuously moving barrels around. He isn't called "The Master" for nothing. 

Whistler South African Style Rum Distillery Interior

Image: The Whistler rum logo on Gigi, the pot still. 

Whistler South African Style Rum Distillery Interior

Image: A tasting inside the Whistler Rum distillery. 

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