Whistler Rum is currently joining forces with two other rum brands. To this end, we've moved our distillery to KZN, and unfortunately cannot produce or sell our rum at the moment. We are excited to get back into the rum production in 2025!

Whistler South African Style Rum - The guys having fun at work

2020: To more colabs and making noise in restaurants. Literally.

January 2020: The year 2020. Right. Off we go.

Although the familiar smooth and impeccable-quality taste we hope you have come to love is going nowhere, there are quite a few new and exciting things current and prospective Whistler fans can look forward to this year.

What Whistler Rum Learnt in 2019

The biggest business lessons we have learnt last year is to pick the right partners and to plan – planning, planning, planning, planning. We are confident that we have applied these learnings, allowing us to up your Whistler African Style experience yet another notch.

So what will we be doing in 2020?

Here is a glimpse into what you can look forward to for this year.

From a product perspective, we are looking to do three barrel-exchanges next year.

We are hoping to work with Boplaas (who we partnered with last year) again for a whiskey exchange. Then we are also hoping to do a brandy barrel exchange and a Pinotage exchange. This is really something to look forward to.

Rum barrel exchanges

To the point of our previous Boplaas Barrel Exchange - if you are still looking to purchase product from last year’s exchange, remember that stock is limited so head on over to our online shop before it is too late.

Visitors to the distillery from this month (January) onwards can look forward to the fact that we are scheduling our production in such a way that we will be distilling on Saturdays. That means, if you visit the distillery on Saturdays, you will be able to see a working, operating distillery.

Restaurants, look out, Whistler Rum is coming

From a business perspective – we have a very exciting “Whistle Your Own Tune” campaign that will be running for most of next year which will have an awesome grand prize. With this, I suspect, we will literally be making some noise in the bars and restaurants.

From a team perspective – if everything goes to plan the team might grow, even though we are very happy with the size of the team right now.

There you have it.

Now loading = quality and excitement. Watch this space….





  • To shop online, visit: https://whistlerrum.co.za. Also keep an eye on our social media channels: Facebook: Whistler Rum (@whistlerrum); Instagram: @whistlerrum; Twitter: @Whistler_Rum


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