Whistler Rum is currently joining forces with two other rum brands. To this end, we've moved our distillery to KZN, and unfortunately cannot produce or sell our rum at the moment. We are excited to get back into the rum production in 2025!

Whistler South African Style Rum - rums we love include boplaas barrel exchange rum

YUM for these rums/Rum revolutionaries we love

7 February 2020: I think it is safe to assume we LOVE rum.

We love Whistler African Style Rum the most!

After all. We quit our jobs; devoted our lives to making rum and now make more of it than ever. To be frank, the only things we love as much as rum are our families (wives included, where applicable -  meaning those of us who have wives, not those of us who love our wives), wagyu, rugby and cricket (even though it makes us cry sometimes. Certain teams and certain players, anyway).

Quite early in our journey it became clear that we are not alone. Thankfully. You might also have picked up that we don’t shy away from collaborating or doing our “homework”. For this reason, it only makes sense that we love other rums and others who love rum.  

Over the next couple of weeks, we bring you different rum revolutionaries we love. Naturally starting with other rums.

At the top of our list are these three distilleries in the United States we visited before opening our own distillery. For filling us with a mixture of nostalgia and inspiration. They are Siesta Key in Sarasota who specialises in infusions, Kicking Mule Handcrafted Rum in Louisiana and Wicked DOLPHIN Artisan Rum in Florida. Kicking Mule, we relate to particularly because, just like us, they create “world class rum by keeping things local.” It also inspired us that they put up a quality distillery in a barn on a farm, which made perfect sense to us – as you can see. There is also a bit of a back story behind our history with Kicking Mule. We went on a very memorable hunting trip with one of the founders, a judge. True story.

Some rum revolutionaries we support

Copper Bottom Craft Distillery in Holly Hill, North America, deserves a special shout-out. This is where we did our training. Jeremy Craig, Co-founder and Head Distiller, showed us the tricks of the trade, so this is basically where our journey officially started.

Our ultimate rum crush is on Foursquare Distillery in Barbados for becoming the first rum brand in history to win the Supreme Champion award at the International Spirits Challenge (ISC), leaving renowned brandies, whiskies and gins in their dust. Something to aspire to.

That’s it. For now. For other rum things we love, keep an eye on this blog.

If you only have eyes for Whistler, no problem. Head over to our shop and start sipping.



  • To shop online, visit: https://whistlerrum.co.za.
  • Also keep an eye on our social media channels: Facebook: Whistler Rum (@whistlerrum); Instagram: @whistlerrum; Twitter: @Whistler_Rum


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