Whistler Rum is currently joining forces with two other rum brands. To this end, we've moved our distillery to KZN, and unfortunately cannot produce or sell our rum at the moment. We are excited to get back into the rum production in 2025!

Whistler South African Style Rum - black friday is back

Whistler brings you ten black Fridays this year

Earn 30% discount by sharing our Black Friday Facebook post.

Earn great deals with Whistler African Style rum this black Friday(s)

It is simple. We want people to get a good deal.

That is why, like Operah [SIC] would say: “You get a good deal. YOU get a good deal. Everybody gets a good deal.”

Why settle for one day? Lat year we gave you a week of Black Fridays. This year, we are giving you not one, but ten Black Fridays.

Valid 20 - 30 November 2020, you stand a chance to get a 30% discount on any item purchased via our online shop. To unlock your special discount, all you need to do is to share our Black Friday Facebook post on a friend’s wall, tagging @whistlerrum. DM us a confirmation and we send you the code which you redeem by typing it in upon checkout.

A few teasers of what you can look forward to in our online shop soon:

  • A second batch of Boplaas Barrel exchange will be available again. One again on a limited stock basis. We will be making only approximately 100 bottles. When this batch is sold out, we will only have more of this great product in May 2021.
  • A popular shooter that we mix at the distillery will be available for purchase. These are rum aperitif mixtures that are best enjoyed as a shooter.
  • We will also have some new apparel available in our online store soon. This include hats and shirts.

Happy shopping!



  • For enquiries about our menu and functions, contact our events manager Marike Jansen van Vuren: 064 769 6134/info@whistlerrum.co.za.
  • Keep an eye on our social media channels for other updates: Whistler Rum (@whistlerrum); Instagram: @whistlerrum; Twitter: @Whistler_Rum
  • For online sales, visit: https://whistlerrum.co.za.
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